After being sick and stuck inside for so long, I finally feel like we are coming out of a fog. If the sun would finally come out then all would be right in the world again. Rachel is back at school and has, amazingly, gone two days in a row! Charlie and I went to a play place on Monday and today we went to the Children's Museum. Tomorrow we'll hit up music class and then Thursday we have a play date! I feel alive again! I feel like I'm part of the world! We had such a good time today too. Charlie had a blast paying in the water area at the museum. I know he liked being around other kids his age and not being stuck in the house with just me. Let's hope this streak of health continues. My blog will be thankful.
helping mama sweep |
this is the last time I've seen that comb |
He is getting so big! So is Rachel. Where does the time go? I am so glad you guys are feeling better and life is returing to normal for you all.