May 4, 2010

Big Trip Home to PA

From April 28th until May 3rd, Rachel and I went back home to PA to visit family and friends. Rachel had a lot of "firsts" on this trip. It was her first trip on an airplane. She did fantastic. All in all, we spent on average 7 hours traveling to and from our destinations and she didn't complain once. Ok, she complained once, but it was only because I wasn't fast enough with the food. She fell asleep on the airplane some times. Other times she was awake and playing. Other passengers couldn't help but comment on what a good little girl she was....because she was! I know they were shocked that she didn't end up screaming the whole time. Rachel sure showed them!

While home, we met up with some of my old high school friends and their babies for the first time. Their babies, Brooke and Lydia, were born in December. Rachel and the girls were only supposed to be born a couple weeks apart so they are about the same age gestationally. Again, we had another big hit with that one. They loved to stare at each other and try and grab each other's toes, faces and bibs. Rachel loves to look at other babies.


We also got to visit a lot of family members. Rachel saw her grandma and grandpa Cooklis, Great grandparents and some cousins. She also won over her grandpa C's dog, Butter.

We found out how much Rachel loves grass. As soon as she touches her feet to it she gets so excited. When I put her down to sit in it, she reaches for it and pulls at it. Her therapist is thrilled because sometimes babies with DS have sensitivity issues to new feelings, like grass.

But the biggest first of all was Rachel went from back to tummy for the first time on the 30th. My mom and I were the witness to the event and it was so exciting! Rachel panicked halfway through because she was stuck but she got her leg over and made it to her tummy! Since then she has done it at least once a day more. Of course, I don't have a picture of that though.

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