May 10, 2012


This officially my 300th blog post! Well, I'm still struggling with the header on this thing. I hope to get it up soon. Until then. Here are some photos of what we've been up to...

watching tv on a dog bed

dancing to some mexican music

mixing some beats..

playing with toys

enjoying outside

having a dip in the water

teasing the dog

playing in the sand and water table

and checking out the grass!

Rachel has her 6 month IFSP tomorrow, so that will be fun. I'm sure we'll get the "results" of her OT testing done last time. Charlie will be visiting the allergy doc on Monday to talk about food issues and then Tuesday is his 9 Month check up! I cannot believe this boy is turning 9 months old on Saturday! I give him until 11 months to start walking....because he's motivated and he's getting too heavy to hold for very much longer!

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