(our little monkey moving around in her crib)
Rachel and I hosted a play date at our house last Saturday. It was supposed to be held outside but it was already 80 degrees by the time it hit 10am. Instead, we moved the coffee table to the wall and put down a quilt in the center of the room. I think we had 9 moms and 10 children in our living room. It was a bit tight but it was fun. The babies in the group that came on Saturday range from 10 months to 2 months old. Unfortunately, Rachel was someplace in between the 2 month old and the 6 month old as far as her skills go. It's absolutely amazing how fast the "typical" kids develop. No wonder people say "enjoy them now, they grow up so fast!", because they do! These kids are already crawling around and standing and sitting easily. As much as I love this playgroup, I don't know how much longer we will be active participants of it. Very soon these babies will be moving much farther than Rachel and she will be left in their dust. It's a sad thought. She is my joy though. I told her the other day that her middle name should have been Joy instead of Jane. It fits her so much better.
(Rachel and my buddy, Jack)
Anyway, I was thinking about how sad it will be for Rachel not to have peers that are at her level anymore and I thought about starting a Ds playgroup here in town. I just didn't know how many babies were actually being born here. Then Sunday night I attended the Mom's Night Out which is hosted by the Greensboro Down syndrome group. We get together about once a month for dinner or tea or ice cream (which is what we did this night) to get out of the house and talk. It's a welcomed break for all, I think. This night three new babies attended! THREE! All boys, but it was so great to see them. Two of the moms are my age and their boys are their first child, just like Rachel. I felt like that was a sign to start the play group. So, I just need to pick a date and send out an invite with the help of the Greensboro Ds group coordinators. I know that all mothers want to feel normal. I want to have a "normal" life with my Rachel. I want play groups. I want "cutest baby" contests and sleep overs when she gets older. I want to participate in all things that parents of "normal" babies do. I also want a group where we can be ourselves and not worry about what other parents may think of our children and where they can play together on a matching level instead of worrying about milestones and ages. I really hope that other mom's will want to participate in this group. I think it will be a good thing.
It's getting easier to get her to smile for the camera!